Hayling Hoy of 1759
A Fully Framed Building Project by David Antscherl - SeaWatchBooks
Company: SeaWatchBooks LLC, 2018
Author: David Antscherl
ISBN: 978-1-7320162-0-0
Pages: 200
Retail Price: $70.00 USD
The Hayling Hoy of 1759 is aimed at the first time scratch builder or for the experienced modeler who is looking for a small project in-between major builds. The framing is based on volume one of the Fully Framed Model ( the Swan series) and this book will be a big help for anyone tackling this project.
Hoys were small craft used for many tasks in harbor or as small passenger and light cargo carriers along England’s East Coast. This 8 ˝”x 11” hard cover book is 200 pages long with hundreds of illustrations, an eight page color section and 3 sheets of plans. Whether this will be your first plank on frame model or just a fun project the Hayling Hoy is right for you.
Great book for everyone who wants to build a Hayling Hoyl from scratch or to optimize a kitbased build.
Get it here: https://seawatchbooks.com/products/hayli...-antscherl
A Fully Framed Building Project by David Antscherl - SeaWatchBooks
Company: SeaWatchBooks LLC, 2018
Author: David Antscherl
ISBN: 978-1-7320162-0-0
Pages: 200
Retail Price: $70.00 USD
The Hayling Hoy of 1759 is aimed at the first time scratch builder or for the experienced modeler who is looking for a small project in-between major builds. The framing is based on volume one of the Fully Framed Model ( the Swan series) and this book will be a big help for anyone tackling this project.
Hoys were small craft used for many tasks in harbor or as small passenger and light cargo carriers along England’s East Coast. This 8 ˝”x 11” hard cover book is 200 pages long with hundreds of illustrations, an eight page color section and 3 sheets of plans. Whether this will be your first plank on frame model or just a fun project the Hayling Hoy is right for you.
Great book for everyone who wants to build a Hayling Hoyl from scratch or to optimize a kitbased build.
Get it here: https://seawatchbooks.com/products/hayli...-antscherl