Launch of the Ship "Twelve Apostles" 1841
Made by Master Korabel
![[Image: cb06b52ff1ebbff144d3afdf5b51.jpg]](
Company: Master Korabel
Kit No: MK0304
Retail Price: 8.950.- Rubel
42-foot longboat with 24-pound carronade (1841).
Ships of the 1st rank of the Russian Imperial Navy, such as the Twelve Apostles, Paris, Grand Duke Constantine and others were equipped with large 20-oar longboats 42 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 4 feet 4 inches deep.
In particular, a 20-weight longboat for the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, 120-weight. The ship "Twelve Apostles" was designed by the head of the Nikolaev Corps of Naval Engineers, Colonel I.D. Vorobyov, construction work was led by corps captain S.I. Chernyavsky.
Commander 120-gun. ship "Twelve Apostles" captain 2nd rank V.A. Kornilov, the hero of the Battle of Navarino, enlisted the support of Vice Admiral M.P. Lazarev, to equip the longboat not according to the 1840 State, but with a “Plymouth boat”. Such sailing weapons, due to the larger sail area, allowed the longboat to develop high speeds comparable to yachts and tenders, which guaranteed the speed of landing, transportation of cargo and people. The presence of a 24-pound cast iron carronade with a constant ammunition load of 80 cores provided the landing force with the necessary fire support. In addition to the rowers, according to documents, the longboat could accommodate another 160 landing troops with full weapons. This made the longboat a separate combat unit.
In addition to the routine daily work of transporting people, delivering cargo and delivering anchors, the longboat participated in naval and boat exercises and races under sail and oars, and was actively used in landing operations of the Black Sea Fleet in the Caucasus. In 1847, the longboat was used to load ground troops onto a squadron for transportation from Odessa to Sevastopol. In 1849-1851 The longboat was used for reconnaissance during the cruising of the ship "Twelve Apostles" along the Abkhazian coast.
During the defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855. was assigned to the 24-hour division under the main command of Rear Admiral Wolfe to repel possible attacks by enemy fireships from the sea and to cruise no further than the line of sunken ships to observe enemy rowing ships.
Technical data
Kit content
All parts of the kit are stored safely and tidily in the box.
![[Image: 78c2f1eff330947c7ca1027aa92f.jpg]](
![[Image: 17240a2e0ed5e64fc67f58b66d7a.jpg]](
![[Image: 30fdd8f2548304f98a59612a4069.jpg]](
Firts we check the content packed in the plastic building jig.
![[Image: 2e161ea4f651e660e9dd454e87c3.jpg]](
The jig itself.
![[Image: 447f7b22948495950c63d2b3c53b.jpg]](
Pushpins are part of the kit, I like that.
![[Image: f31a820bbae2d1a710adea6f00ab.jpg]](
The rope. I can say straight away that this is the only thing I don't like about this kit. :-)
![[Image: c34d04eb2931a49b8aac7e72ba67.jpg]](
Metalwork, blocks and turned brass coffee pins.
![[Image: 9d2bd35ba14a28b4a8d2352a1bae.jpg]](
I personally like the Master Korabel blocks and the coffee pins are of very high quality (as almost everything in this kit).
![[Image: 0cb06f072f57abc55b6d3c54ff5e.jpg]](
Master Korabel is using 3D printing parts in their newer kits. The quality of the prints is very good.
![[Image: f38cf9fdae2cfd09973dcf9894bc.jpg]](
Same for the, already blackened, metal parts.
![[Image: e4c0e365c5c1614d05fdd215f047.jpg]](
![[Image: b335dd706aad6680441799ba377a.jpg]](
![[Image: b4af927167cde9dbdfee092a4957.jpg]](
![[Image: 32d6c7ffee08d35bb14c0021af45.jpg]](
Last but not least the usual brass wire and a small wood dovel.
![[Image: afcbf91dd95f073ab06c417625f4.jpg]](
Now it's on to the next bag with lots of small parts. Anchor, flag, cannonballs, the caronade, stanchions, more blocks and more 3D printed parts.
![[Image: 0e334827113ca0295cfe976e2af2.jpg]](
![[Image: eb00c871929be3112d4a10a2aebe.jpg]](
![[Image: 72203a7d7304881bb27d416e2362.jpg]](
Same for the carronade and the additional parts shown.
![[Image: b0c505d0eb85b1102820c3d3377b.jpg]](
![[Image: 39adf5205f6fadf3c886f0f8456e.jpg]](
![[Image: 84455e8cc33b12887669890e6efd.jpg]](
![[Image: be3f3ea0b5accff334c77c18445a.jpg]](
![[Image: d81537beb81e1f4f8567517a0f6d.jpg]](
![[Image: 8a7db134b982f769854f3951cd8d.jpg]](
The Canon Balls
![[Image: 57f07a055cb2e86f038fa7b74de5.jpg]](
![[Image: 7f31eb72f567c94c6d779ff56152.jpg]](
The last bag includes the Stanchions, more very small blocks and 3D printed parts like thimbles and ... eybolts with rings printed as one part, nice!
![[Image: 3484e2ee3d9e167e8d115f006265.jpg]](
![[Image: 958b711d886b1fd144c5892c49ae.jpg]](
![[Image: fe4e6fffa88847e8a6573afd5447.jpg]](
![[Image: eecf9c33477bd5081cdfbef8451b.jpg]](
![[Image: 43d5e1542734bd6a525fde71d5b6.jpg]](
And now to the wood, with one exception everything is made of pear wood. Master Korabel knows how to laser wood in excellent quality, few burn marks, fine and clean cuts, everything lasered cleanly. It doesn't get any better than this!
![[Image: b5463d4e85ba207d14d09ca5b676.jpg]](
![[Image: acaad92b2ea41b7f5a48cf9de71f.jpg]](
The first bag.
![[Image: 873eba821232fed724aec3bce428.jpg]](
Macro of the Laser quality from both sides. This is excellent!
![[Image: 71d4895c6b1513638e85413d51b0.jpg]](
![[Image: 31f103239205549babd1878445c4.jpg]](
More macros.
![[Image: 2c6bee141b2b0feb04c95ef9c037.jpg]](
![[Image: fbbce93010f1572755f8d2b70a7b.jpg]](
![[Image: 942555191f3ac8d671cb15b0c047.jpg]](
And the bigger sheets of this package part.
![[Image: da20ea81b4c3652254040a54808e.jpg]](
Mast & Spars.
![[Image: eca96b43a70bdebeb5343abbfeca.jpg]](
More wood
![[Image: 7751e6ce3c5940804ffe188407e8.jpg]](
![[Image: d0eb0864eb7113782a0115fb6416.jpg]](
![[Image: 4c130b4e8d5ad276f29879381ece.jpg]](
![[Image: adf0b5eccd9e0628f86447952311.jpg]](
![[Image: 06c857675972bfd2437aa16dcef8.jpg]](
![[Image: 7fc6d764d7ef1a182302436ed7b5.jpg]](
The lasered pre spilled planks. This should be standard for all kits nowadays.
![[Image: b96883cfc3f20b995ed26f2420f4.jpg]](
![[Image: 7d8a2da037fad172c6fd3e3c0592.jpg]](
And another pear wood sheet.
![[Image: 3d197ad4bab6d98de1a9323f3ebd.jpg]](
![[Image: 92942735e0d7087972d969044396.jpg]](
![[Image: f699f2498e9be5801d91811695af.jpg]](
At last the only non pear wood sheet. I would have preferred to have that in pear instead maple though.
![[Image: 3672eed908cb0df0989430cb7798.jpg]](
And a plywood jig, helping to get the position of the first plank to start with.
![[Image: 2e25055b284f7ae4682b28adbb29.jpg]](
The Photo Etch Parts. The PE Parts are 2 layered and in excellent quality. On three sheets there is nothing to miss!
![[Image: cff62d87b755a5da79f4253038e4.jpg]](
![[Image: 3f29b6f1da06c70abf78176a08ac.jpg]](
![[Image: b6df863e25830710aa27ea68e6cb.jpg]](
![[Image: 1fbd6e72aadd9fbe89bddd51fcf7.jpg]](
![[Image: b86b60f68ab13b05c8574e6f870a.jpg]](
![[Image: e894d086660ca978e0a1a5f6924a.jpg]](
As usual with Master Korabel kits there are two nameplates, one in Russian and one in English.
![[Image: cafcd2d7704eba21f9ed722cfacf.jpg]](
For doing your own sails there is percale fabric included.
![[Image: fbcbbfaff02b82c8d4a52503922d.jpg]](
![[Image: 5e25c785c147419ecf90c87d0879.jpg]](
The Instruction Manual. As usual with Master Korabel there is a pictured guide included showing every step of the build.
![[Image: d4918a0ca81e37e795fae016c087.jpg]](
![[Image: ae0c79adbe6c95b596d0df315945.jpg]](
![[Image: 5538ffae5d2108947bff7983118a.jpg]](
![[Image: 9476d6886f308aff317fed51c1e9.jpg]](
The text instructions, material list and rigging instructions are in Russian, the English one will follow soon and can be downloaded as pdf for sure.
![[Image: 2ec41977053cb83921dd4d27c7aa.jpg]](
![[Image: e0e8a9eb1aa3b302d59bc461aa67.jpg]](
![[Image: d0cadbf07a0821ec90abbd3efe3d.jpg]](
![[Image: 5fc7b2dbb63a8694cf4995ec8e7e.jpg]](
![[Image: d3a8fbfae432eaf2526a4bc02b9d.jpg]](
![[Image: 43b0f3a99d7bff939463a00dbc5d.jpg]](
Phewhh to be honest I was blown away by the quality of this kit. It was a pleasure to unpack and look at every single part. In my opinion, the Russian manufacturers are among the best, both in terms of kit design and the high quality of manufacture. In addition, there are all these little things that you just want to throw away in other kits that are just right here, blocks, metal parts, cannonball etc. The only drawback, as so often, is unfortunately the rigging thread. I would like to point out that there would be potential to add a few more parts in 3D printing, but that is criticism at the very highest level. Nevertheless, this kit is one of the best I have had the pleasure of holding in my hands.
Unfortunately it has become difficult to purchase these kits, but here at SOS you can contact @Walterone who is very happy to help and make contact and handle the process, which has always worked without a hitch. Thanks Vladimir!
Check out the Instruction Manual here (in Russian, English will follow):
Basically a 100% buy recommendation.
My sincere thanks go to Master Korabel for sending this kit for review here on Dubz Modelling World.
Made by Master Korabel
![[Image: cb06b52ff1ebbff144d3afdf5b51.jpg]](
Company: Master Korabel
Kit No: MK0304
Retail Price: 8.950.- Rubel
42-foot longboat with 24-pound carronade (1841).
Ships of the 1st rank of the Russian Imperial Navy, such as the Twelve Apostles, Paris, Grand Duke Constantine and others were equipped with large 20-oar longboats 42 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 4 feet 4 inches deep.
In particular, a 20-weight longboat for the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, 120-weight. The ship "Twelve Apostles" was designed by the head of the Nikolaev Corps of Naval Engineers, Colonel I.D. Vorobyov, construction work was led by corps captain S.I. Chernyavsky.
Commander 120-gun. ship "Twelve Apostles" captain 2nd rank V.A. Kornilov, the hero of the Battle of Navarino, enlisted the support of Vice Admiral M.P. Lazarev, to equip the longboat not according to the 1840 State, but with a “Plymouth boat”. Such sailing weapons, due to the larger sail area, allowed the longboat to develop high speeds comparable to yachts and tenders, which guaranteed the speed of landing, transportation of cargo and people. The presence of a 24-pound cast iron carronade with a constant ammunition load of 80 cores provided the landing force with the necessary fire support. In addition to the rowers, according to documents, the longboat could accommodate another 160 landing troops with full weapons. This made the longboat a separate combat unit.
In addition to the routine daily work of transporting people, delivering cargo and delivering anchors, the longboat participated in naval and boat exercises and races under sail and oars, and was actively used in landing operations of the Black Sea Fleet in the Caucasus. In 1847, the longboat was used to load ground troops onto a squadron for transportation from Odessa to Sevastopol. In 1849-1851 The longboat was used for reconnaissance during the cruising of the ship "Twelve Apostles" along the Abkhazian coast.
During the defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855. was assigned to the 24-hour division under the main command of Rear Admiral Wolfe to repel possible attacks by enemy fireships from the sea and to cruise no further than the line of sunken ships to observe enemy rowing ships.
Technical data
- Scale: 1:48
- Length Overall incl. Spars: 500 mm
- Height Overall: 356 mm
- Width Overall: 81 mm
- Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Kit content
- 1 x Sheets of lasercut plywood for a Jig
- X x light pear sheets, thickness from 0.8 to 5 mm
- 1 x maple veneer 0.6mm
- 2 x Sheets of lasercut planks
- 3 x Photo Etched Brass Sheets (0.5 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.2 mm)
- X x Metalparts
- 1 x Caronade
- X x 3D printed Parts
- X x 3 mm steel balls
- X x turned brass coffee pins
All parts of the kit are stored safely and tidily in the box.
![[Image: 78c2f1eff330947c7ca1027aa92f.jpg]](
![[Image: 17240a2e0ed5e64fc67f58b66d7a.jpg]](
![[Image: 30fdd8f2548304f98a59612a4069.jpg]](
Firts we check the content packed in the plastic building jig.
![[Image: 2e161ea4f651e660e9dd454e87c3.jpg]](
The jig itself.
![[Image: 447f7b22948495950c63d2b3c53b.jpg]](
Pushpins are part of the kit, I like that.
![[Image: f31a820bbae2d1a710adea6f00ab.jpg]](
The rope. I can say straight away that this is the only thing I don't like about this kit. :-)
![[Image: c34d04eb2931a49b8aac7e72ba67.jpg]](
Metalwork, blocks and turned brass coffee pins.
![[Image: 9d2bd35ba14a28b4a8d2352a1bae.jpg]](
I personally like the Master Korabel blocks and the coffee pins are of very high quality (as almost everything in this kit).
![[Image: 0cb06f072f57abc55b6d3c54ff5e.jpg]](
Master Korabel is using 3D printing parts in their newer kits. The quality of the prints is very good.
![[Image: f38cf9fdae2cfd09973dcf9894bc.jpg]](
Same for the, already blackened, metal parts.
![[Image: e4c0e365c5c1614d05fdd215f047.jpg]](
![[Image: b335dd706aad6680441799ba377a.jpg]](
![[Image: b4af927167cde9dbdfee092a4957.jpg]](
![[Image: 32d6c7ffee08d35bb14c0021af45.jpg]](
Last but not least the usual brass wire and a small wood dovel.
![[Image: afcbf91dd95f073ab06c417625f4.jpg]](
Now it's on to the next bag with lots of small parts. Anchor, flag, cannonballs, the caronade, stanchions, more blocks and more 3D printed parts.
![[Image: 0e334827113ca0295cfe976e2af2.jpg]](
![[Image: eb00c871929be3112d4a10a2aebe.jpg]](
![[Image: 72203a7d7304881bb27d416e2362.jpg]](
Same for the carronade and the additional parts shown.
![[Image: b0c505d0eb85b1102820c3d3377b.jpg]](
![[Image: 39adf5205f6fadf3c886f0f8456e.jpg]](
![[Image: 84455e8cc33b12887669890e6efd.jpg]](
![[Image: be3f3ea0b5accff334c77c18445a.jpg]](
![[Image: d81537beb81e1f4f8567517a0f6d.jpg]](
![[Image: 8a7db134b982f769854f3951cd8d.jpg]](
The Canon Balls
![[Image: 57f07a055cb2e86f038fa7b74de5.jpg]](
![[Image: 7f31eb72f567c94c6d779ff56152.jpg]](
The last bag includes the Stanchions, more very small blocks and 3D printed parts like thimbles and ... eybolts with rings printed as one part, nice!
![[Image: 3484e2ee3d9e167e8d115f006265.jpg]](
![[Image: 958b711d886b1fd144c5892c49ae.jpg]](
![[Image: fe4e6fffa88847e8a6573afd5447.jpg]](
![[Image: eecf9c33477bd5081cdfbef8451b.jpg]](
![[Image: 43d5e1542734bd6a525fde71d5b6.jpg]](
And now to the wood, with one exception everything is made of pear wood. Master Korabel knows how to laser wood in excellent quality, few burn marks, fine and clean cuts, everything lasered cleanly. It doesn't get any better than this!
![[Image: b5463d4e85ba207d14d09ca5b676.jpg]](
![[Image: acaad92b2ea41b7f5a48cf9de71f.jpg]](
The first bag.
![[Image: 873eba821232fed724aec3bce428.jpg]](
Macro of the Laser quality from both sides. This is excellent!
![[Image: 71d4895c6b1513638e85413d51b0.jpg]](
![[Image: 31f103239205549babd1878445c4.jpg]](
More macros.
![[Image: 2c6bee141b2b0feb04c95ef9c037.jpg]](
![[Image: fbbce93010f1572755f8d2b70a7b.jpg]](
![[Image: 942555191f3ac8d671cb15b0c047.jpg]](
And the bigger sheets of this package part.
![[Image: da20ea81b4c3652254040a54808e.jpg]](
Mast & Spars.
![[Image: eca96b43a70bdebeb5343abbfeca.jpg]](
More wood
![[Image: 7751e6ce3c5940804ffe188407e8.jpg]](
![[Image: d0eb0864eb7113782a0115fb6416.jpg]](
![[Image: 4c130b4e8d5ad276f29879381ece.jpg]](
![[Image: adf0b5eccd9e0628f86447952311.jpg]](
![[Image: 06c857675972bfd2437aa16dcef8.jpg]](
![[Image: 7fc6d764d7ef1a182302436ed7b5.jpg]](
The lasered pre spilled planks. This should be standard for all kits nowadays.
![[Image: b96883cfc3f20b995ed26f2420f4.jpg]](
![[Image: 7d8a2da037fad172c6fd3e3c0592.jpg]](
And another pear wood sheet.
![[Image: 3d197ad4bab6d98de1a9323f3ebd.jpg]](
![[Image: 92942735e0d7087972d969044396.jpg]](
![[Image: f699f2498e9be5801d91811695af.jpg]](
At last the only non pear wood sheet. I would have preferred to have that in pear instead maple though.
![[Image: 3672eed908cb0df0989430cb7798.jpg]](
And a plywood jig, helping to get the position of the first plank to start with.
![[Image: 2e25055b284f7ae4682b28adbb29.jpg]](
The Photo Etch Parts. The PE Parts are 2 layered and in excellent quality. On three sheets there is nothing to miss!
![[Image: cff62d87b755a5da79f4253038e4.jpg]](
![[Image: 3f29b6f1da06c70abf78176a08ac.jpg]](
![[Image: b6df863e25830710aa27ea68e6cb.jpg]](
![[Image: 1fbd6e72aadd9fbe89bddd51fcf7.jpg]](
![[Image: b86b60f68ab13b05c8574e6f870a.jpg]](
![[Image: e894d086660ca978e0a1a5f6924a.jpg]](
As usual with Master Korabel kits there are two nameplates, one in Russian and one in English.
![[Image: cafcd2d7704eba21f9ed722cfacf.jpg]](
For doing your own sails there is percale fabric included.
![[Image: fbcbbfaff02b82c8d4a52503922d.jpg]](
![[Image: 5e25c785c147419ecf90c87d0879.jpg]](
The Instruction Manual. As usual with Master Korabel there is a pictured guide included showing every step of the build.
![[Image: d4918a0ca81e37e795fae016c087.jpg]](
![[Image: ae0c79adbe6c95b596d0df315945.jpg]](
![[Image: 5538ffae5d2108947bff7983118a.jpg]](
![[Image: 9476d6886f308aff317fed51c1e9.jpg]](
The text instructions, material list and rigging instructions are in Russian, the English one will follow soon and can be downloaded as pdf for sure.
![[Image: 2ec41977053cb83921dd4d27c7aa.jpg]](
![[Image: e0e8a9eb1aa3b302d59bc461aa67.jpg]](
![[Image: d0cadbf07a0821ec90abbd3efe3d.jpg]](
![[Image: 5fc7b2dbb63a8694cf4995ec8e7e.jpg]](
![[Image: d3a8fbfae432eaf2526a4bc02b9d.jpg]](
![[Image: 43b0f3a99d7bff939463a00dbc5d.jpg]](
Phewhh to be honest I was blown away by the quality of this kit. It was a pleasure to unpack and look at every single part. In my opinion, the Russian manufacturers are among the best, both in terms of kit design and the high quality of manufacture. In addition, there are all these little things that you just want to throw away in other kits that are just right here, blocks, metal parts, cannonball etc. The only drawback, as so often, is unfortunately the rigging thread. I would like to point out that there would be potential to add a few more parts in 3D printing, but that is criticism at the very highest level. Nevertheless, this kit is one of the best I have had the pleasure of holding in my hands.
Unfortunately it has become difficult to purchase these kits, but here at SOS you can contact @Walterone who is very happy to help and make contact and handle the process, which has always worked without a hitch. Thanks Vladimir!
- Pear Wood
- Scale 1:48
- High Quality Photo Etch sheet
- High Quality 3D printed parts
- High Quality metal parts
- IMO very good Image based Manual
- Rope Thread
- One maple sheet
Check out the Instruction Manual here (in Russian, English will follow):
Basically a 100% buy recommendation.
My sincere thanks go to Master Korabel for sending this kit for review here on Dubz Modelling World.